Dusty Trail Riders
Club History
The Dusty Trail Riders is non-profit, family orientated horseback riding club based out of Streeter, North Dakota. It was organized in 1984.
The first annual Pig Roast was held in 1985 at Dana Williams farm in Streeter, and was held annually the third Sunday in July, through 2004, with the whole community in the Streeter and surrounding area invited to attend for tickets to cover the cost. After 2004, food licensing rules and insurance costs made it cost prohibitive to provide this event to the community.
In 1985, a fall trail ride was held by Robinson, ND. Larry Spitzer, who was towing an outhouse down I-94 for use during this trail ride, had an interesting experience. The outhouse trailer unhooked and passed him, than came to a stop in the medium.
Another fall event the same year was held at the Kaiser KO Ranch. Eugene Holzer was the teamster, team/hay rack owner, and provided a old time hay ride. Curt Kaiser rigged up lights on the hayrack. All on the hay ride enjoyed a good time. Some members ended the night at the bowling alley in Gackle, ND.
In 1986 a Memorial Day weekend trail ride was held at Fort Ransom, ND. Troy Perman was going to attempt to do a little stunt riding by running his horse and then grab a tree limb to dismount and hang from. Instead, he misjudge the height of the limb and ran his head into the limb, which knock him off the back of his horse. And he needed a few stitches to fix the damage.
The June 1986 Leeds Centennial Parade at Leeds, ND was attended by 7 or 8 members. Leeds is the hometown of Mary Ann Kaiser, and is about 150 miles north of Streeter.
Thanks to members efforts, fund raisers, and donations, The Dusty Trail Riders Arena was built in the spring of 1987. The ground was still froze, so members had to pour hot water where they wanted to push the poles in.
The newly built arena was to be christened by Deb Moen with a stubborn bottle of Champagne, that refused three of her attempts to break it. Jerry Moen was finally successful at getting the job done with two of his own attempts.
The first annual Horse Show was held in August of 1987, and was very looked forward to by ND families for a fun family event. The horse show was held annually the first Sunday of June.
From 1987 through 2006, the Dusty Trail Riders held an annual Horse Show at the club arena. Even though this annual club event was very well attended and very looked forward to by the participants. Times were changing, so was the very busy lives of our membership. Over time, badly needed volunteer labor from the membership and community for this event were dwindling in numbers annually, and the cost/liability insurance was increasing annually. The board of the Dusty Trail Riders, made the very tough decision to hold the last Horse Show on June 4th, 2006. At this last very well attended event, the Sr. Hi-Pt. was awarded to LeAnn Johs, daughter of Charles and Roberta Johs, Napoleon.
The Jr. Hi-Pt. was awarded to Tracy Nelson, daughter of Dennis and Shelly Nelson of Litchville, ND.
On July 8th, 2018, the Dusty Trail Riders held their first Ranch Rodeo, which included several team events. Even though a hot day the event was well attended and enjoyable.
There are two charter members who are still active in the club. They are Bennie Dewald and Curt Kaiser. Two of the original charter members who were members until they were deceased, were Verner Dewald and Eddie Gums.
Currently, we try to hold trail rides and occasional parade attendance as scheduled by the membership throughout the spring, summer, and fall.
The Club Parade uniform is Black felt hat, dark blue neck bandana, white shirt, western style blue denim vest, blue denim jeans with western belt, and western boots. Black jacket for colder weather. Beige/natural straw hat is also acceptable, however the black felt hat is preferred.